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The information contained on this website is for informational purposes only. Nerdy Therapy’s website features content that has been written and/or selected by mental health professionals for entertainment and educational purposes.


The viewpoints expressed on Nerdy Therapy are solely those of its authors. Each blog post on Nerdy Therapy contains basic information about its author. Selected or shared content may contain other viewpoints, and Nerdy Therapy will not be held responsible for anything that is expressed by those individuals.


We encourage the sharing of original content that has been written by Nerdy Therapy’s team. We do ask that credit be given to the respective authors, and that content not be altered in any way whatsoever.

At times, we feature content that was created by other individuals and/or organizations. We do not claim to own any of this work and do not seek to profit off of this work. If an individual and/or organization would like to have their content removed from our website, we invite them to contact us.

Mental Health

The use of this website does not imply or establish any type of therapist-client relationship. Featured content is not a substitute for assessment, diagnosis, and/or treatment of mental health conditions. Nerdy Therapy’s team is under no obligation to treat viewers or provide referrals for mental health professionals.

At times, featured content may contain “triggering” information due to the nature of the topics covered. While we do our best to omit graphic descriptions that would be upsetting to some viewers, we urge Nerdy Therapy’s audience to use discretion when accessing featured content.

Nerdy Therapy’s staff should not be contacted in the event of a mental health emergency or crisis. We encourage viewers who experience thoughts of hurting themselves or hurting others to utilize healthy coping strategies, supportive people, and local agencies that can respond in the event of a mental health emergency or crisis.